Thursday, August 12, 2010

Spiritual Gems from Sri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 7

Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 7

Wonderful Incarnation - Behaviour of Sai Baba - His Yoga Practices - His All-pervasiveness - Leper Devotee's service - Master Khaparde's Plague-case - Going to Pandharpur

Wonderful Incarnation 

Sai Baba knew all Yogic Practices. He was well versed in the six processes including Dhauti (Stomach-cleaning by a moistened piece of linen 3" in breadth and 22 1/2' in length), Khandayoga, i.e., separating His limbs and joining them again, and Samadhi, etc. If you think that He was a Hindu, He looked like a Yavan. If you think Him to be a Yavan, He looked like a pious Hindu. No one definitely knew whether He was a Hindu or a Mahomedan. He celebrated the Hindu festival of Rama-Navami with all due formalities, and at the same time permitted the 'Sandal' procession of the Mahomedans.

Sai Ram. Yes, Sai Baba was indeed a wonderful incarnation. Incarnation means the Avatar of Divinity in human form, in flesh and blood. God took pity on simple and ignorant folk like us and took that particular form, so mysterious and yet so accessible in the form of Sai Baba of Shirdi. He had a very clear purpose in coming to Shirdi and spending those 60 years there. His objective was to bring harmony between all classes of people.

It is those divisions of rich and poor, pious and dirty, Hindu and Mohamedan etc. (the basic duality of I and not I) that Sai addressed in His inimitable way and taught all the art of " live and let live". He always avoided the question of who He was and where from He came for the simple reason that He was not His Body. He was not His Mind. And since He did not have an ego, He was not His ego also. Then who was He? He asked us to look into our hearts. He is the In-dweller, seated in our Hearts, and watching us always and guiding us always. He is our Atma Ram.

He celebrated all the festivals with equanimity giving all the due importance. While Sai Baba allowed devotees to practice all rituals, He never believed in equating the ritual with Faith. Faith in a Higher power is different from ritualistic practices. He was not bound by any rules, regulations etc. but by the devotion of His devotees! Sai Ram. 

He encouraged wrestling bouts in this festival, and gave good prizes to winners. When the Gokul Ashtami came, He got the 'Gopal-Kala' ceremony duly performed and on Id festivals, He allowed Mahomedans to say their prayers (Namaj) in His Masjid. Once in the Moharum festival, some Mahomedans proposed to contruct a Tajiya or Tabut in the Masjid, keep it there for some days and afterwards take it in procession through the village. Sai Baba allowed the keeping of the Tabut for four days, and on the fifth day removed it out of the Masjid without the least compunction. If we say that He was a Mahomedan, His ears were pierced (i.e. had holes according to Hindu fashion). If you think that He was a Hindu, He advocated the practice of circumcision (though according to Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar, who observed Him closely, He was not Himself circumcised. (Vide article in Sai Leela on "Baba Hindu Ki Yavan" by B.V. Deo, page 562). If you call Him Hindu, He always lived in the Masjid; if Mahomedan, He had always the Dhuni - sacred fire there, and the following things which are contrary to Mahomedan religion, i.e., grinding on the handmill, blowing of the conch and bells, oblation in the fire, Bhajan, giving of food, and worship of Baba's Feet by means of ARGHYA (water) were always allowed there. If you think that He was a Mahomedan, the best of Brahmins and Agnihotris, leaving aside their orthodox ways, fell prostrate at His Feet.

Sai Ram. By their Tapas and by His grace, these people could overcome the Maya and could see Sai as the Jnana Bhaskara, the Glorious Sun of Knowledge, the Yoga Agni, which burns all their Sins and Avidya. One becomes sacred only when He undergoes various Samskaras (Purification Rites) - not for His body, but for his body-mind-intellect-ego and thus gets the true Brahma Jnana. An Agnihotri is one who worships Fire God daily and it is well known that Fire purifies and burns all the Ignorance and Sins. So, they could see Sai to be what He truly was, not confined to the five feet six inches of body nor confined to Shirdi location. He was seen as the Satchidananda Parabrahma. Sai Ram.

Those who went to make enquiries about his nationality were dumb-founded and were captured by his darshana. So none could definitely decide whether Sai Baba was a Hindu or a Mahomedan*. (See the footnote a little below this paragraph) This is no wonder; for he who completely surrenders himself to the Lord, by getting rid of his egoism and body consciousness; thus becomes one with Him, and has nothing to do with any questions of caste or nationality. Such a one as Sai Baba was, saw no difference between caste and caste and even beings and beings. He took meat and fish with Fakirs, but did not grumble when dogs touched the dishes with their mouths.

Sai Ram. Sai Baba had this wonderful power of blanking the mental thought waves of those who went to Him, so that they could not remember to ask Him the questions, which He didn't want them to ask! And since He looked upon all food as Brahma (Annam Brahma - Food is Brahma, Annamannada evacha - He is Food and He is also Food Giver - Vishnu Sahasranama; many such aphorisms can be found), He didn't differentiate between vegetarian and non-vegetarian food, the dog and Himself etc. In later chapters, we will read the wonderful story of how Sai gave some deep spiritual lessons to some chosen devotees by accepting their food assuming the form of dogs! He never looked upon food as something to be enjoyed. For Him, the sole role of food was to nourish the body. And He downplayed the importance of hygiene since He was One with all living and non-living beings. But at the same time, He never encouraged people to go out of their Varnasrama Dharma, since such transgressions are motivated by desires for pleasures.

[* Note--(1) Mhalsapati, an intimate Shirdi devotee of Baba, who always slept with Him in the Masjid and Chavadi, said that Sai Baba told him that He was a Brahmin of Pathri and was handed over to a Fakir in his infancy, and when He told this, some men from Pathri had come, and Baba was enquiring about some men from that place. Vide Sai Leela 1924, Page 179. Sai Ram. Later, Mhalsapati confessed that he made up that story and we thus don't know Sai's real origins. Sai Ram. (2) Mrs. Kashibai Kanitkar, the famous learned woman of Poona says in the experience No.8, published on Page 79, Sai Leela Vol. 11,1934, - "On hearing of Baba's miracles, we were discussing according to our theosophic convention and fashion whether Sai Baba belonged to Black or White Lodge. When once I went to Shirdi, I was thinking seriously about this in my mind. As soon as I approached the steps of the Masjid, Baba came to the front and pointing to His chest and staring at me spoke rather vehemently -"This is a Brahmin, pure Brahmin. He has nothing to do with black things. No Musalman can dare to step in here. He dare not." Again pointing to his chest - "This Brahmin can bring lakhs of men on the white path and take them to their destination. This is a Brahmin's Masjid and I won't allow any black Mahomedan to cast his shadow here." Sai Ram. He meant by that the left hand path is not His, though He was beyond all paths. The left hand path of black magic and evil practices is much more dangerous than the right hand path and hence was not encouraged by Sai. Sai Ram.]

Such a unique and wonderful incarnation was Sai Baba. On account of the merits in my past birth, I had the good fortune to sit at His Feet and enjoy His blessed company. The joy and delight I derived therefrom was incomparable. In fact Sai Baba was pure Anand and Consciousness. I cannot sufficiently describle Him, His greatness and uniqueness. He who took delight at His Feet, was established in His own self. Many Sanyasis, Sadhakas and all sorts of men aspiring for salvation came to Sai Baba. He always walked, talked and laughed with them and always uttered 'Allah Malik' (God is the sole owner). He never liked discussion or arguments. He was always calm and controlled, though irritable at times, always preached full Vedanta and nobody knew till the last who Baba was. He treated princes and poor people alike. He knew the inmost secrets of all, and when He gave expression to them, all were surprised. He was the repository of all knowledge, but feigned ignorance. He also disliked honour. Such were the characteristics of Sai Baba. Though, He had a human body, His deeds testified to His Godhood. All people considered Him as the Lord God in Shirdi.

Sai Ram. Who was Baba? He was the indweller, Antaryami, He was the Paramatma, the Supreme Soul, The Self of all of us. He knew the inmost secrets of all, because He was the indweller of all of us. We, because of Maya, ignorance, were identifying ourselves with our bodies, minds and limited consciousness, and thus with our individual egos. He was above all these frailties and was one with the Universal Self. He took a human body and stayed in Shirdi to bless devotees like us.

The difference between a God and a devotee is only this. God is ego less and so is one with all. The devotee is still in dwaita bhava, dualistic mode of worship. The devotee is looking outside his heart to an external symbol in the form of a living Guru or an idol. The Guru or the God also takes that form so that with this ritualistic worship, the mind of the devotee gets purified and becomes fit to receive the true Knowledge. The devotee is enlightened about the fact that the external is but a representation of the internal. Further he becomes aware that the body of the Guru or the idol is but a symbol, to help the devotee to focus his attention, to still the restless mind. Sai Ram. 

Behaviour of Sai Baba 

Fool that I am, I cannot describe Baba's miracles. He got almost all the temples in Shirdi repaired. Through Tatya Patil, the temples of Shani, Ganapati, Shankar-Parvati, Village Deity, and Maruti were put in order.

Sai Ram. Baba got all the temples repaired. And His devotees got the old and dilapidated Masjid repaired. It is the mutual Seva. Baba never claimed that He was God, He was always most humble and was an exemplary devotee. Just like a leader should first be a follower. Sai Ram. 

His charity was also remarkable. The money He used to collect as Dakshina was freely distributed, Rs.20 to some, Rs.15 or 50, to others everyday. The recipients thought that this was 'pure' charity money, and Baba wished that it should be usefully employed.

Sai Ram. Baba showed absolutely no attachment to money. He collected large sums as Dakshina and gave liberally to some people. At the end of each day, He used to again revert to the stage of a pauper, a poor Fakir. Sai Ram. 

Having a darshana of Baba immensely benefited people. Some became hale and hearty; wicked people were turned into good ones. Kushtha (Leprosy) was cured in some cases, many got their desires fulfilled, without any drops or medicine being put in the eyes, some blind men got back their sight and some lame ones got their legs. Nobody could see the end of His extraordinary greatness. His fame spread far and wide, and pilgrims from all sides flocked to Shirdi. Baba sat always near the Dhuni and eased Himself there, and always sat in meditation, sometimes with and on other times without a bath.

Sai Ram. The darshan or sparshan (touch) or any other Sangatya (Company) - including remembering them, reading about them like here, of great Saints is never without benefit. So, all devotees who came into contact with Baba also got benefited. Depending on their merits of the past birth, they could come into contact with Him and their demerits, sins, got burnt down like dry grass in fire. So, poor became rich, ill people became well and minds were purified. Sai Ram. 

He used to tie a white turban on his head; and wear a clean Dhotar round his waist, and a shirt on his body. This was his dress in the beginning. He started practicing medicine in the village, examined patients and gave medicines. He was always successful, and He became famous as a Hakim (Doctor). A curious case may be narrated here. One devotee got his eye balls quite red and swollen. No Doctor was available in Shirdi. The other devotees took him to Baba. Other Doctors would use ointments, Anjans, cow's milk and camphorated drugs etc., in such cases. Baba's remedy was quite unique. He pounded some 'BEEBA' (Some Carpus Ana Cardium i.e. marking nuts) and made two balls of them, thrust them one in each eye of the patient and wrapped a cloth-bandage round them (eyes). Next day, the bandage was removed and water was poured over them in a stream. The inflammation subsided and the pupils became white and clear. Though the eyes are very delicate, the BEEBA caused no smarting; but removed the disease of the eyes. Many such cases were cured and this is only an instance in point.

Sai Ram. Initially Baba was giving herbs and other medicines to draw people to Him and to increase their faith in Him. Later, when the faith of the devotees became strong enough, He stopped giving any such medicines and His touch and His Udhi were sufficient, and the healing took place by His grace. So, even when He was not physically present, He could help people and save. One such incident where Baba saved a small child and allowed His hand to get burnt (He was probably against disappointing Fire God of His food!) is described in this chapter. Sai Ram. 

Baba's Yoga Practices

Baba knew all the processes and practices of Yoga. Two of them will be described here:

(1) DHAUTI or CLEANING PROCESS: Baba went to the well near a Banyan tree at a considerable distance from the Masjid every third day and washed his mouth and had a bath. On one occasion, He was seen to vomit out his intestines, clean them inside and outside and place them on a Jamb tree for drying. There are persons in Shirdi, who have actually seen this, and who have testified to this fact. Ordinary Dhauti is done by a moistened piece of linen, 3 inches broad 22 1/2ft. long. This piece is gulped down the throat and allowed to remain in the stomach for about half an hour for being reacted there and then taken out. But Baba's Dhauti was quite unique and extraordinary. 

Sai Ram. These extraordinary feats testify to Baba's training over several births and His discipleship under a great Master. But they should not be emulated or learnt for the sake of yogic powers, Siddhis etc., since that would be a diversion from the path of true Yoga, which is unification of our awareness with the Highest Self. Sai Ram. 

(2) KHANDA YOGA: In this practice, Baba extracted the various limbs from His body, and left them separately at different places in the Masjid. Once, a gentleman went to the Masjid, and saw the limbs of Baba lying separately at separate places. He was much terrified; and he first thought of running to the village officers, and informing them of Baba being hacked to pieces and murdered. He thought that he would be held responsible, as he was the first informant, and knew something of the affair. So he kept silent. But next day when he went to the masjid, he was very much surprised to see Baba, hale and hearty and sound, as before. He thought, that what he had seen the previous day, was only a dream.

Sai Ram. Baba was not only showing His great yogic powers in this instance but was conveying a great spiritual truth. Initially, He was only one, but became many and finally, the Many return to the One. The water drops leave the ocean, form into clouds, rain down upon earth, become rivers, streams etc. and finally rejoin the ocean. All creation is from energy and all creation returns to energy as per modern science too. Baba was showing this in His own inimitable way. Sai Ram. 

Baba practiced Yoga since, His infancy and nobody knew or guessed the proficiency He attained. He charged no fees for His cures. He became renowned and famous by virtue of His merits and gave health to many a poor and suffering person. This famous Doctor of doctors cared not for His interests, but always worked for the good and welfare of others, Himself suffering unbearable and terrible pain many a time in the process. One such instance, I give below, which will show the all-pervasive and most merciful character of Sai Baba.

Baba's All-pervasiveness and Mercy 

In the year 1910 A.D., Baba was sitting near the Dhuni on Divali day and warming Himself. He was pushing the firewood into the Dhuni, which was brightly burning. A little later, instead of pushing logs of woods, Baba pushed His arm into the Dhuni; the arm was scorched and burnt immediately. This was noticed by the servant Madhava, and also by Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama). They at once ran to Baba and Madhavarao clasped Baba by His waist from behind and dragged Him forcibly back ward and asked, "Deva, for what have you done this?" Then Baba came to His senses and replied, "The wife of a blacksmith at some distant place, was working the bellows of a furnace; her husband called her. Forgetting that her child was on her waist, she ran hastily and the child slipped into the furnace. I immediately thrust my hand into the furnace and saved the child. I do not mind my arm being burnt, but I am glad that the life of the child is saved."

Sai Ram. We learnt (and we will be seeing in the future chapters too) that Baba had full control over all the elements. So, why did He allow His hand to be burnt? He could have saved the child just by His will, isn't it? Yes. But then He had two intentions. One, He wanted to tell His devotees that they should not mind injury to their body when they are trying to save some one else. Body consciousness is a big obstacle in the path of spirituality. So, Baba was demonstrating that one should get rid of body consciousness. Secondly, He wanted to provide an opportunity to the leper devotee Bhagoji Shinde, to serve Him as given below. Let us remember Baba's words on that occasion: "Forgetting that her child was on her waist, she ran hastily and the child slipped into the furnace. I immediately thrust my hand into the furnace and saved the child. I do not mind my arm being burnt, but I am glad that the life of the child is saved." Baba was mentioning that, even if we forget about something, He doesn't and He always protects the devotees. Sai Ram.

Pujya Shri B.V.Narasimha Swamyji has documented similar incidents of Baba helping His devotees at far off places without ever leaving His place in Shirdi in "Devotees' experiences". All these incidents were Baba's efforts to show us that He was beyond the constraints of space and time. And that He was not confined to His body. These miracles were performed with the sole intention of strengthening our Faith in Him, so that our ego becomes humble and the Teli's (Oil Grocer, Business man, a Sadhaka in early stages who still looks for karma phala, the rewards for his efforts) wall between Sai and us is broken down (Sai's advice to a Sadhaka in a later chapter). Sai Ram. 

Leper Devotee's Service

On hearing the news of Baba's hand being burnt from (Shama) Madhavrao Deshpande, Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar, accompanied by the famous Doctor Parmanand of Bombay with his medical outfit consisting of ointments, lint and bandage etc. rushed to Shirdi, and requested Baba to allow Dr. Parmanand to examine the arm, and dress the wound caused by the burn. This was refused. Ever since the burn, the leper devotee, Bhagoji Shinde, dressed the arm. His treatment consisted in massaging the burnt part with ghee and then placing a leaf over it and bandaging it tightly with Pattis (bandages). Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar solicited Baba many a time to unfasten the Pattis and get the wound examined and dressed and treated by Dr. Parmanand, with the object that it may be speedily healed. Dr. Parmanand himself made similar requests, but Baba postponed saying that Allah was His Doctor; and did not allow His arm to be examined. Dr. Paramanand's medicines were not exposed to the air of Shirdi, as they remained intact, but he had the good fortune of getting a darshana of Baba. Bhagoji was allowed to treat the hand daily. After some days, the arm healed and all were happy. Still, we do not know whether any trace of pain was left or not. Every morning, Bhagoji went throught his programme of loosening the Pattis, massaging the arm with ghee and tightly bandaging it again. This went on till Sai Baba's Samadhi (death). Sai Baba, a perfect Siddha, as He was, did not really want this treatment, but out of love to His devotee, He allowed the 'Upasana' - service of Bhagoji to go on un-interrupted all along. When Baba started for Lendi, Bhagoji held an umbrella over Him and accompanied Him. Every morning, when Baba sat near the post close to the Dhuni, Bhagoji was present and started his service. Bhagoji was a sinner in his past brith. He was suffering from leprosy, his fingers had shrunk, his body was full of pus and smelling badly. Though outwardly he seemed so unfortunate, he was really very lucky and happy, for he was the premier servant of Baba, and got the benefit of His company.

Sai Ram. Bhagoji Shinde was chosen to dress the burns of Baba's hand. Dr. Paramanand, the famous doctor brought by Shri Nanasaheb Chandorkar from Bombay (present day Mumbai) had to remain a mute spectator to this Leela of Baba. Why did not Baba allow Dr. Paramanand to treat Him? It was not as if Baba was not kindly disposed towards Nanasaheb and Dr. Paramanand. It was because Baba wanted Nana and the good doctor to learn one important lesson - that it is God who heals in the form of a doctor (Vaidyo Narayano Hari goes the saying). And if God wills it, anything and everything can heal. And if God doesn't will it, nothing will help. Since Baba had full faith in Allah, He also had full control over who can treat His hand and who can't. Bhagoji was chosen because of his merits of his past birth. So, though he was a sinner, his merits were taken up so that he can work out his salvation through Sadhu Sparshan and Darshan. The lesson to all of us is clear. We may be the worst sinners in our previous births or even in this birth up to this moment, but we also had a small amount of merit, which brought us to Sai's feet. So, let us make best use of this opportunity and let us redeem ourselves to be His worthy devotees. Sai Ram. 

Master Khaparde's Plague-Case

I shall now relate another instance of Baba's wonderful Leela. Mrs. Khaparde, the wife of Mr. Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti, was staying at Shirdi with her young son for some days. One day the son got high fever, which further developed into Bubonic plague. The mother was frightened and felt most uneasy. She thought of leaving the place for Amraoti, and went near Baba in the evening, when He was coming near the Wada (now Samadhi Mandir) in His evening rounds, for asking His permission. She informed Him in a trembling tone, that her dear young son was down with plague. Baba spoke kindly and softly to her, saying that the sky is beset with clouds; but they will melt and pass off and everything will be smooth and clear. So saying, He lifted up His Kafni up to the waist and showed to all present, four fully developed bubos, as big as eggs, and added, "See, how I have to suffer for My devotees; their difficulties are Mine." Seeing this unique and extraordinary deed (Leela), the people were convinced as to how the Saints suffer pains for their devotees. The mind of the saints is softer than wax, it is soft, in and out, as butter. They love their devotees without any idea of gain, and regard them as their true relatives.

Sai Ram. Baba showed His merciful attitude to His devotees in Master Khaparde's plague case. He showed that He is fully aware of what is going on with any or all of His devotees. When Mrs. Khaparde approached Baba for permission to leave Shirdi and to go to Amraoti, her husband's place, Baba kindly showed her the fully developed buboes in his groin, thus indicating that He has taken upon Himself the disease. Our Faith in God or Guru is not really steadfast, and hence the need for occasional reinforcement of the same by God and Guru. If only our faith is really steadfast, we won't try to run away from problems and we will not appeal to God and Guru to alleviate the problems. We forget that they are always aware of what is going on and what is for our best welfare. Sai Ram. 

Going to Pandharpur and Staying There

I shall now close this Chapter after relating a story illustrating how Sai Baba loved His devotees and anticipated their wishes and movements. Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar, who was a great devotee of Baba, was Mamlatdar at Nandurbar in Khandesh. He got an order of transfer to Pandharpur. His devotion to Sai Baba bore fruit, as he got an order to go and stay at Pandharpur, which is regarded as the 'BHUVAIKUNTHA' - Heaven on earth. Nanasaheb had to take immediate charge, so he left, immediately, for the place, without even writing or informing anybody at Shirdi. He wanted to give a surprise visit to Shirdi - his Pandharpur, see and salute his Vithoba (Baba), and then proceed. Nobody dreamt of Nanasaheb's departure for Shirdi, but Sai Baba knew all about this, as His eyes were everywhere (omniscient). As soon as Nanasaheb approached Neemgaon, a few miles from Shirdi, there was stir in the Masjid at Shirdi. Baba was sitting and talking with Mhalsapati, Appa Shinde and Kashiram, when He at once said, "Let us all four do some Bhajan, the doors of Pandhari are open, let us merrily sing." Then they began to sing in chorus, the burden of the song being "I have to go to Pandharpur and I have to stay on there, for it is the house of my Lord."

Baba sang and the devotees followed Him. In a short time Nanasaheb came there with his family, prostrated before Baba and requested Him to accompany them to Pandharpur and stay with them there. This solicitation was not necessary, as the devotees told Nanasaheb that Baba was already in the mood of going to Pandharpur and staying there. Hearing this Nanasaheb was moved and fell at Baba's Feet. Then getting Baba's permission, Udi (sacred ashes) and Blessings, Nanasaheb left for Pandharpur.

Sai Ram. This is another indication of Baba's knowledge of events far from Him in space or time. He knew of Nanasaheb's transfer from Khandesh to Pandharpur and He knew of Nana's impending arrival in Shirdi. Baba also showed His devotion to Vithoba of Pandharpur by singing bhajans in His praise. The devotee and the God become One when the ego is absent. And God favors His devotee's devotees more than His direct devotees. Thus devotees of Hanuman and Sai etc. get quicker results than those who worship say Rama and Krishna. This is purely my (this author's) view. Sai Ram. 

There is no end to Baba's stories, but let me now make a halt here, reserving for the next Chapter other topics, such as importance of human life, Baba's living on alms, Bayajabai's service and other stories.

Bow to Shri Sai -- Peace be to all

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